Security in Embedded Hardware
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Wildermann
V2 + Ü2 (combined 5 ECTS)
Lecture location and time:
Thursday, 10:15 – 11:45, Lecture hall H4
First lecture: 24. April 2025
Register via StudOn.
Lab location and time:
Tuesday, 14:15 – 15:45, Room 02.133-128 (Dr. Stefan Wildermann)
Wednesday, 14:15 – 15:45, Room 02.133-128 (Paul Krüger)
First lab: 29. April 2025
Material (slides, exercises, other files):
All important documents can be found on StudOn.
The protection of embedded systems against attacks on stored data and implementations is becoming increasingly important, yet also more challenging due to growing connectivity. Protecting embedded systems against both well-established and sophisticated modern attack techniques is the focus of this lecture. It covers existing attack methods, possible countermeasures, and how to design secure embedded systems.
Course content:
- Introduction and Motivation
- Code Injection Attacks
- What types of code injection attacks exist?
- Countermeasures
- Invasive Physical Attacks
- Microprobing
- Reverse Engineering
- Differential Fault Analysis
- Countermeasures
- Hardware Security Primitives
- Random Number Generators
- Physically Unclonable Functions
- Fuzzy Extractor
- Application Areas of Hardware Security Primitives
- Hardware Design Process and Intellectual Property (IP) Protection
- Security and Trust Issues in the Hardware Design Process
- IP Encryption
- FPGA Bitstream Encryption
- IP Watermarking
- Non-Invasive Physical Attacks
- Timing Attacks
- Simple and Differential Power Analysis
- Fault-Injection Attacks
- Countermeasures
- Software-Induced Side-Channel Attacks (Spectre, Rowhammer)
- Catherine H. Gebotys Security in Embedded Devices. Springer 2010.
- Swarup Bhunia, Mark M. Tehranipoor Hardware Security: A Hands-on Learning Approach. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2019.