Prof. Dr. Oliver Keszöcze became Junior Professor for Dependable Embedded Systems at the Hardware-Software-Co-Design Chair, on 1 September. Previously, he did research at the University of Bremen and for the DKFI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) in Bremen. He already started with...
Prof. Teich gave his invited talk "Mixes Static/Dynamic Application Mapping for NoC-Based MPSoCs with Guarantees on Timing, Reliability and Security".at National University of Singapore (NUS).
Abstract: Many-core architectures enable the concurrent execution of multiple applications within a system...
Prof. Teich gave his invited talk "Mixed Static/Dynamic Application Mapping for NoC-Based MPSoCs with Guarantees on Timing, Reliability and Security" at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore.
In this talk, an overview of techniques for systematically mapping parallel program applications...
Prof. Teich gave his invited talk "Hybrid Application Mapping for NoC-Based MPSoCs with Guarantees on Timing, Reliability and Security" at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. The University conferred upon Prof. Teich the academic title of Visiting Professorial Fellow with effect fro...
On 20 July 2018, Éricles Sousa had the defense of his doctoral thesis "Memory and Interface Architectures for Invasive Tightly Coupled Processor Arrays / Speicher- und Schnittstellenarchitekturen für invasive eng gekoppelte Prozessorfelder" and received his Brasilian style doctor hat from Prof. Teic...
Sascha Roloff received his doctoral hat on 19th July 2018 from Prof. Teich, after defending successfully his doctoral thesis "Modeling and Simulation of Invasive Applications and Architectures / Modellierung und Simulation von invasiven Anwendungen und Architekturen“.
On 17 July, Prof. Zoran Salcic, University of Auckland, New Zealand, gave his talk "Designing Static and Dynamic Software Systems - A SystemJ Perspective" as part of the InvasIC Seminars at the Chair of Hardware-Software-Co-Design. During July, he does research at our chair as part of a long-standin...
On 12th July 2018, PhD Wei-Tsun Sun, Institute de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, France, had his talk "Interference analysis with models for multi-core platform, AURIX TC27x - the case study" as part of the InvasIC Seminar.
Abstract: Interferences between cores have to be taken into accou...
Achim Herrmann was be honored with the Siemens Masteraward for his thesis with the title „Programmable Multi-stream orchestration controller with index walker extension for Database Acceleration on FPGAs“ supervised by Prof. Jürgen Teich. Achim Herrmann received the award on the occasion of the grad...