
On 6th November, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich held his Keynote "Dynamic Resource Management of Heterogeneous Many-Core" at the International Conference of Computer Aided Design 2018 (ICCAD), San Diego/USA, 05.-09.11.2018.

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Prof. Dr. Oliver Keszöcze became Junior Professor for Dependable Embedded Systems at the Hardware-Software-Co-Design Chair, on 1 September. Previously, he did research at the University of Bremen and for the DKFI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) in Bremen. He already started with...

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Prof. Teich gave his invited talk "Mixed Static/Dynamic Application Mapping for NoC-Based MPSoCs with Guarantees on Timing, Reliability and Security" at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) Singapore. In this talk, an overview of techniques for systematically mapping parallel program applications...

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On 20 July 2018, Éricles Sousa had the defense of his doctoral thesis "Memory and Interface Architectures for Invasive Tightly Coupled Processor Arrays / Speicher- und Schnittstellenarchitekturen für invasive eng gekoppelte Prozessorfelder" and received his Brasilian style doctor hat from Prof. Teic...

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Sascha Roloff received his doctoral hat on 19th July 2018 from Prof. Teich, after defending successfully his doctoral thesis "Modeling and Simulation of Invasive Applications and Architectures / Modellierung und Simulation von invasiven Anwendungen und Architekturen“.

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On 17 July, Prof. Zoran Salcic, University of Auckland, New Zealand, gave his talk "Designing Static and Dynamic Software Systems - A SystemJ Perspective" as part of the InvasIC Seminars at the Chair of Hardware-Software-Co-Design. During July, he does research at our chair as part of a long-standin...

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