Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich gave the Opening Keynote "Enforcement of Non-functional Program Requirements on MPSoCs" at HiPEAC CSW, October 25-27, 2021, in Lyon. The conference was hosted by the University of Lyonm see for details.
On 18th October 2021, Michael Witterauf successfully defended his PdD thesis "A Compiler for Symbolic Code Generation for Tightly Coupled Processor Arrays". Afterwards he received his doctoral hat from Prof. Teich.
On 15th October 2021, Jonathan Ah Sue defended his PhD thesis "Supervised Learning Grant Prediction for Cellular Mobile Device Power Savings" successfully. Afterwards, he proudly received his doctoral hat from Prof. Teich.
Prof. Teich was glad to announce the official 2021 Test-of-Time Awards and Best Paper Awards of CASES 2021, CODES+ISSS 2021, and EMSOFT 2021 during the Monday and Tuesday plenary sessions, see
The Chair of Computer Science 12 (Hardware/Software Co-Design) together with the Chair of Computer Science 6 (Data Management) organised the annual meeting of DFG-Priority Program "Scalable Data Management for Future Hardware". Venue were the nice meeting rooms of "Kreuz+Quer" in the centre of Erlan...
On 14 September 2021, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich gave a seminar talk with the title "Enforcement of Non-functional Program Requirements on MPSoCs" at the École Centrale Lyon (ECL) in Lyon, France.
On 28th May 2021, Behnaz Pourmohseni defended with distinction her PhD thesis "System-Level Mapping, Analysis, and Management of Real-Time Applications in Many-Core Systems / Methoden zur Abbildung, Analyse und Verwaltung von Echtzeitanwendungen in Mehrkernsystemen". She was happy to receive her doc...
Prof. Jürgen Teich is recipient of IEEE CEDA's Outstanding Service Recognition Award that is presented to volunteers for exceptional commitment and service to the EDA community. Prof. Teich receives the engraved award plaque as a prize for his outstanding service as the General Chair of Design, Auto...
The German Society of Humboldtians ( welcomes Jürgen Teich as a new member for his merits as a host of Humboldtians, reviewer for the Humboldt Foundation (AvH) and his numerous contacts to and stays at foreign universities.
On February 5, 2021, the first "DATE Friday Workshop System-level Design Methods for Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Architectures (SLOHA 2021)" took place co-located with the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). The SLOHA Workshop, initiated and co-organized by Frank Hannig, a...