Prof. Aviral Shrivastava, from Arizona State University, gave his invited talk "An Agile and Explainable Exploration of Efficient HW/SW Codesigns of Deep Learning Accelerators Using Bottleneck Analysis" at the Department of Computer Science 12, on 7 June 2023.
Effective design space ex...
In recognition of the outstanding cooperation and his many years of commitment, Dr. Frank Hannig was honored with the IAESTE A.s.b.l. Employer Award. The "International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience" (IAESTE) is an international non-profit organization for the pla...
On 28 April 2023, Peter Brand successfully defended his PhD Thesis "Reducing Mobile Device Modem Energy via Adaptive and Power-efficient Hybrid Online/Offline Grant Prediction for the Protocal Standards LTE and 5G". Afterwards he celebrated receiving his doctoral hat.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich received the DATE Fellow Award at the Award Session at Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2023 in Antwerp, Belgium. The prize is awarded for outstanding and longtime engagement to this conference, and in particular for his leadership role as General Chair of DATE...
Prof. Jürgen Teich presented as Awards Chair some prestigious awards of EDA (electronic Design Automation) at Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2023.
Marcel Brand presented a poster showing his research results at the PhD Forum at Design, Automation and Test in Europe 2023 (DATE), on 17 April 2023, in Antwerp. Many participants were interested in his research works and innovative processor architecture concepts for processor fields. The conferenc...
Franz-Josef Streit successfully defended his PhD Thesis "Techniques to Secure HW/SW-Programmable SoC Architectures for Edge Computing / Sicherheitstechniken für die Datenverarbeitung an der Edge auf HW/SW-programmierbaren SoC-Architekturen". Afterwards he received his doctoral hat.
At the occasion of the Day of the Faculty of Engineering 2022, Mrs. Behnaz Pourmohseni is awarded the ATE Alumni Dissertation Award for her thesis "System-Level Mapping, Analysis, and Management of Real-Time Applications in Many-Core Systems".
Prof. Dr. Rolf Wanka (FAU) and Prof. Dr. Jan Křetínský (TUM), with the active support of Matthias Kergaßner, M.Sc., led the course Modern Approaches to Optimization and Verification in Computer Science (link to course) at the joint Ferienakademie of FAU, TUM and University of Stuttgart in Sarntal, S...