As Awards Chair at the Design Automation and Test in Europe (DATE) 2024 conference, Prof Jürgen Teich presented several prestigious EDA (Electronic Design Automation) awards.
Prof. Teich gives a keynote on "Machine Learning on FPGAs - Opportunities and Perspectives" at the 20th International Symposium on Reconfigurable Computing (ARC 2024) in Aveiro, Portugal.
On 15th January 2024, Marcel Brand successfully defended his PhD Thesis "Approximate and Reconfigurable Precision Instruction Set Processors for Tightly Coupled Processor Arrays" and received his doctoral hat afterwards.
On 17th November 2023, Akif Mehmet Özkan successfully defended his PhD Thesis "Declarative Programming Techniques for Hardware Synthesis of Image Processing Applications" and received his doctoral hat afterwards.
On Wednesday, September 13, 2023, the 16th Embedded Talk was held for the first time again in presence at FAU in Erlangen. The topic was "Non-volatile memory technologies and applications". Many participants took the opportunity to exchange information about current research and developments in this...
The paper "Hybrid Genetic Reinforcement Learning for Generating Run-Time Requirement Enforcers" (Jan Spieck, Pierre-Louis Sixdenier, Khalil Esper, Stefan Wildermann and Jürgen Teich) has won the Best Paper Award at ESWEEK 2023's 21st ACM-IEEE International Symposium on Formal Methods and Models for ...
On September 11 and 12, a group of selected delegates studying in various engineering programs at Osaka University, FAU's partner university, visited Erlangen.
The visit was coordinated by Prof. Kiyoshi Fujita, Director of the Center for International Relations of the Graduate School of Engineering...
On 27 July 2023, Jens Trautmann successfully defended his PhD Thesis "Automation Approaches for the Application of Side-Channel Analysis in Real-World Scenarios". Afterwards he celebrated receiving his doctoral hat.
A team of the Hardware/Software Co-Design Chair designed a chip that integrates 64 custom processor cores.
The chip, called ALPACA, unleashes an enormous computing power of up to 384 billion arithmetic operations per second while drawing less than 3 watts.
ALPACA’s application domains are mani...