Prof. Dr. Morik (TU Dortmund) gave a talk "Big Data - Small Devices".
How can we learn from the data of small ubiquitous systems? Do we need to send the data to a server or cloud and do all learning there? Or can we learn on some small devices directly? How complex can learning allowed...
Fedor Smirnov received the Baumüller-Masterpreis for his Master thesis "Analyse von Ansätzen für flexibel anpassbare Präsentationsschichten bei AAL-Serviceplattformen"
Michael Schadhauser received the Siemens Masterpreis for his master thesis "Wissensmanagement in Cyber-Physical Systems mit Techniken des Semantic Web".
Die publication "Reliability of Space-Grade vs. COTS SRAM-Based FPGA in N-Modular Redundancy", presented at NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS 2015), received a Best Application Paper Award.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich gave a keynote presentation at Schloss Rheinfels in St. Goar at the 18. Internationale Workshops "Software and Compilers for Embededded Systems".
Prof. Rolf Wanka, head of the group "Effiziente Algorithmen und Kombinatorische Optimierung", presented the work of his group in the Seminar "Theory of Evolutionary Algorithms".
Prof. Teich is part of the examination board at the defense of the former student Jiali Teddy Zhai.
From left to right nach rechts: Dr. Jiali Zhai, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich, FAU Erlangen, Prof. Dr. Ingo Sander, KTH Stockholm