Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Teich (Hardware/Software Co-Design, FAU), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ingrid Verbauwhede (KU Leuven, BE), Prof. Dr.-Ing. Lothar Thiele (ETH Zürich, CH) and Prof. Dr. Tulika Mitra (National University of Singapore, SG) organized the Dagstuhl Seminar "Adaptive Isolation for Predictability and...
Dr. Morteza Biglari-Abhari had the above mentioned talk at our Seminar SFB/TRR 89 "InvasIC".
Complex mixed-critical embedded applications integrate different functionalities to satisfy the performance requirements and take advantage of the available processing power of multi-core syste...
The Annual Meeting of the Department of Computer Science 12 took once again place in the Kleinwalser Valley, Austria. During the four days, interesting technical talks were given, issues of organization discussed, and a hiking tour in the mountains organized.
As part of our SFB/TRR 89 "InvasIC" Seminar, Prof. Jason Cong had the talk mentioned above.
Ten years ago in SOCC’2006, my group presented xPilot – the high-level synthesis (HLS) tool developed at UCLA for automatic synthesis of behavior-level C/C++ specifications into highly optim...
The talk gives a short introduction and overview of the topic and benefits of invasive multi-core computing for achieving timing predictability, fault tolerance and security for individual application programs.
Here, cores, memory regions and network bandwidth are allocated and freed on demand of e...
At the graduation party of the Technical Faculty of FAU, Lydia Schwab, M.Sc., received the Award of Fritz-und-Maria-Hofmann-Stiftung for her Master Thesis Einsatz der Partikelschwarmoptimierung zur Bildregistrierung in der medizinischen Bildverarbeitung written under supervision of Dr.-Ing. Manuel S...
Theresa Pollinger, bachelor graduate of Prof. Teich, received an award of Brose Company on the occasion of the graduation ceremony of Faculty of Engineering in the AudiMax for her bachelor thesis titled "Video-based Object Tracking with a Pan-Tilt-Zoom Camera using the Parallel Programming Language ...