Im Rahmen des SFB/TRR 89 "InvasIC" Seminars hielt Prof. Donatella Sciuto, Politecnico di Milano, an der TechFak den Vortrag "Designing autonomic heterogeneous computing architectures: a vision".
On 28 March 2017, Prof. Johan Beke and Prof. Steven Verstockt from the University of Gent came to visit our chair together with some students. After a welcome of Dr. Stefan Wildermann, the students received an overview of the study of computer science at FAU and the research focus of Hardware-Softw...
As part of the seminar SFB/TRR89 InvasIC, Prof. Mendler gave the talk "Game-theoretic Semantics of Synchronous Reactions".
The synchronous model of programming, which emerged in the 1980ies and has led to the development of well-known languages such as Statecharts, Esterel, Signal, L...
M. Sc. Hananeh Aliee's defense took place on 15.03.17. At the celebration party afterwards she received her fancy doctoral hat.
from left: Prof. Glass, H. Aliee, Prof. Teich, Prof. Kaup, Prof. Wanka
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Weichslgartner's defense took place on 24.01.17. At the celebration party afterwards he received his fancy doctoral hat.
from left: Prof. Herkersdorf (TUM), A. Weichslgartner,
Prof. Teich, Prof. Wanka
On occasion of the graduation ceremony of FAU on 03.02.17 in the Audimax Erlangen, Jutta Pirkl was awarded with the Master Prize of Siemens for her master thesis "Concepts and Implementation of Self-adaptive FPGA-based Image Processing Filters using Approximate Arithmetics" supervised by Prof. Teich...
As part of the "Schüler-Unitag" initiated from the Bavarian Ministry of Culture to promote high-intelligent and particularly powerful sutdents, Dr. Stefan Wildermann had a talk about Optimization in Computer Science at our chair.
Prof. Dr. Nicole Megow, University of Bremen, had the above mentioned talk at our Seminar SFB/TRR 89 "InvasIC".
Uncertainty in the input data is an omnipresent issue when solving real-world optimization problems: jobs may take more or less time than originally estimated, resources ...