
On 12th July 2018, PhD Wei-Tsun Sun, Institute de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse, France, had his talk "Interference analysis with models for multi-core platform, AURIX TC27x - the case study" as part of the InvasIC Seminar. Abstract: Interferences between cores have to be taken into accou...

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Achim Herrmann was be honored with the Siemens Masteraward for his thesis with the title „Programmable Multi-stream orchestration controller with index walker extension for Database Acceleration on FPGAs“ supervised by Prof. Jürgen Teich. Achim Herrmann received the award on the occasion of the grad...

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Oliver Reiche had his Doctoral Defense Talk "A Domain-Specific Language Approach for Designing and Programming Heterogeneous Image Systems" on 5 July 2018 and was happy to receive his fancy doctoral hat from Prof. Teich, afterwards.  

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Prof. Sebastian Hack, Saarland University, gave his talk "AnyDSL: A Partial Evaluation Framework for Programming High-Performance Libraries" on 5 July 2018 as part of the SFB/TRR 89 "InvasIC"-Seminar. Abstract: Writing performance-critical software productively is still a challenging task be...

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Prof. Jürgen Teich received his IEEE Fellow certification on the occasion of Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2018 in San Francisco/USA. He had being recognized in January 2018 for contributions to hardware/software co-design for embedded systems by IEEE, the world's leading professional associati...

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Prof. Jürgen Teich had his invited keynote "Methodologies for Application Mapping for NoC-Based MPSOCs" at the University of York/GB, on June 14, 2018. His keynote was part of the Adaptive Many-Core Architectures and Systems workshop taking place from 13-15th June as part of an EPSRC-funded project ...

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On the occasion of "Tag der Informatik", on 13.04.2018, Jan Spieck was honored for the best bachelor graduation at the department of computer science 2017 with a certificate and a book voucher. Prof. Teich supervised his bachelor thesis „Parametrisierbare Parallelisierung von Aktoren in ActorX10" (g...

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