
Prof. Teich was glad to announce the official 2021 Test-of-Time Awards and Best Paper Awards of  CASES 2021, CODES+ISSS 2021, and EMSOFT 2021 during the Monday and Tuesday  plenary sessions, see

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On 28th May 2021, Behnaz Pourmohseni defended with distinction her PhD thesis "System-Level Mapping, Analysis, and Management of Real-Time Applications in Many-Core Systems / Methoden zur Abbildung, Analyse und Verwaltung von Echtzeitanwendungen in Mehrkernsystemen". She was happy to receive her doc...

Category: News

On February 5, 2021, the first "DATE Friday Workshop System-level Design Methods for Deep Learning on Heterogeneous Architectures (SLOHA 2021)" took place co-located with the Conference on Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE). The SLOHA Workshop, initiated and co-organized by Frank Hannig, a...

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On 5th February 2021, at the virtual graduation of Technical Faculty, Armin Schuster received the Siemens Master Prize for his thesis "Design Space Exploration of Approximative CNN-Inference with Variable Precision" (IuK), supervised by Prof. Teich. He was happy to be awarded with 1000€.   ...

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On the occasion of the virtual graduation of Technical Faculty on 5th February 2021, Daniel Ziegler received the ASQF Prize for his master thesis "Modellierung, Simulation und Analyse von Messstationen der Biodiversität" supervised by Prof. Teich and Dr. Wildermann. The ASQF Prize pays special tribu...

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On 22 January 2021, Murad Muradi, external PhD student of Prof. Rolf Wanka, successfully defended his doctoral thesis “"Heuristische Algorithmen zur automatischen Generierung von prozesszeitoptimierten Roboterprogrammen im Bereich von Multi-Robotersystemen" at the Technical Faculty of FAU, in Erlang...

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