Ferienakademie Sarntal, 18 September – 30 September 2022

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Prof. Dr. Rolf Wanka (FAU) and Prof. Dr. Jan Křetínský (TUM), with the active support of Matthias Kergaßner, M.Sc., led the course Modern Approaches to Optimization and Verification in Computer Science (link to course) at the joint Ferienakademie of FAU, TUM and University of Stuttgart in Sarntal, South Tyrol, which took place from September 18 to 30, 2022.

The 18 participants first presented recent algorithmic solutions from the field of optimization and from the field of verification in a series of lectures. Then they implemented particle swarm optimization (PSO) and explored its capabilities by applying PSO to a set of benchmark functions.

Of course, hiking in the beautiful mountains of South Tyrol and a trip to Bolzano were not neglected during the two weeks of the Ferienakademie.